Comments on: Faces: What are significant differences between the American public school system and that of a different country? /26385/uncategorized/faces-what-are-significant-differences-between-the-american-public-school-system-and-that-of-a-different-country/ Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School Fri, 23 Feb 2024 22:55:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Arthi Britto /26385/uncategorized/faces-what-are-significant-differences-between-the-american-public-school-system-and-that-of-a-different-country/#comment-8939 Fri, 23 Feb 2024 22:55:36 +0000 /?p=26385#comment-8939 Hi Gwendolyn,
I am mom of a sophomore at your school.
I loved the concept of your news article.
I would like to know if the numbers displayed next to the names of the students interviewed for this article represent their grade at school or if they represent their age. I am assuming it probably is their grade but I am not so sure from just reading your article. It would be helpful if you may type out the information in full. And also if the reader is informed which schools or which school districts have been compared to ±ÚßËÓ°Ôº , it would be more informative to draw inferences. Thank you for the great initiative on the subject . I appreciate your good work.
